IB Cube 2021 – Vision and mission

admin Apr, 11, 2020

The IB Cube Foundation is a new initiative under a first stage development which will help to sensitize people to the future. In our opinion the first step to obtaining future generations sensitive and prepared to solve social problems, is to raise the levels of education in the world by giving everyone the opportunity to study despite their living environment and their financial status.

For this reason IB Asia Cube wants to contribute with scholarships for those students who need it most, believing that those same students in the future will develop a deeper humanitarian feeling which will surely and positively contribute to protect our planet.

“Everyone cares what kind of planet we will leave to our children, but nobody cares what kind of children we will leave to our planet.”

It is with this inspiration that we are devoting our daily life to our company growth, knowing that we are contributing to humans future.

IB3 Foundation will be officially established in 2021.